Canadian political leaders have faced a troubling surge in violent and aggressive confrontations. Pictured: NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. Photo Credit: Jagmeet Singh/X.    In recent months, Canadian political leaders have faced a troubling surge in violent and aggressive confrontations. This rise in threats and attacks, both physical and verbal, echoes a concerning trend already visible […]

The NDP leader declared the deal “ripped up” after over two and a half years of cooperation. Pictured: NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. Photo Credit: Jagmeet Singh/X.  As the federal Liberals enter the final day of their annual caucus retreat, the political landscape in Canada is set to shift dramatically. With the fall parliamentary session starting […]

The Conservatives have a commanding lead in the polls and in the donation game, while the Liberals are treading water on both fronts. Pictured: Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. Photo Credit: Pierre Poilievre/X.  In the lead-up to the next federal election, Canada’s political landscape is being shaped as much by fundraising efforts as by policy discissions. […]

The impact of AI on Canada’s electoral process remains to be seen, but its ability to transform political campaigning is undeniable. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister Dominic LeBlanc. Photo Credit: Dominic LeBlanc/X.  As the 2024 US Presidential election looms with artificial intelligence (AI) playing a pivotal role in swaying voters in key battleground […]

Poilievre’s path to power: How Conservatives plan to seize 2025

by Daniel Perry

The biggest threat to the Conservatives could be hubris. Assuming victory too early can lead to fatal missteps. Pictured: Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. Photo Credit: Pierre Poilievre/X.  Rideau Cottage has been a quiet place this past week. The sunny ways are over, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been pondering not only if he should […]

The clash: Can Trudeau recapture the magic of 2015?

by Daniel Perry

The path ahead for the Liberals is a long one. It will be an uphill battle on most fronts. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  Should he stay or should he go? That is the question that many are asking about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ahead of the next election. Despite the […]

Singh and the NDP must seize this time to turn up the political heat and prepare for the electoral battle ahead. Pictured: NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. Photo Credit: Jagmeet Singh/X.  As students wrap up their studies, the sun is shining and the days growing longer, summer is knocking at the door. Soon to also be […]

Countdown to chaos: Trudeau’s race against time

by Daniel Perry

  The government’s biggest challenge will be a Conservative Party that is eager to gum up the works even if it means sitting late into June. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X. With time ticking down, the government has a number of key pieces of legislation on the docket to handle before […]

Capital gains: Taxing times for Canadian affordability

by Daniel Perry

The Liberals are calculating that the Tories will oppose the capital gains increase and play into the narrative that the Conservatives are the party of the rich. Pictured: Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo Credit: Chrystia Freeland/X. Last week, the federal government introduced legislation that would advance their plans outlined in the budget. Broadly, the legislation […]

Data Wild West: Canadian political parties’ privacy practices under fire

by Daniel Perry

Canadians’ data deserves to be protected and consent should be required when political parties harvest data. Pictured: Attorney General and Minister of Justice Arif Virani. Photo Credit: Arif Virani/X. In an era where data shapes the very fabric of elections, the oversight into how Canadian federal political parties collect and utilize voter data remains shockingly […]

Trudeau’s bold budget strategy: A game-changer for Canadians?

by Daniel Perry

By making these types of pre-budget announcements, the government can take control of the news cycle and keep their issues in the spotlight. Photo Credit: Justin Trudeau/X.  With the federal budget set for next Tuesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government have been busy traveling across Canada to preview what citizens can expect. […]

From America to Canada: Battle brews over real estate commission reform

by Daniel Perry

At the heart of the case and the settlement revolves around the elimination of traditional commission structures and rules that have long governed real estate transactions. Photo Credit: Pexels.  In a ground breaking decision last week, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) in the United States settled a class-action lawsuit and agreed to changes that […]

Budget 2024: Rainy day savings or a splashy spending spree?

by Daniel Perry

With limited tools in her toolbox, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland has a challenge on her hands to deliver a budget that works for Canadians while not overspending. Pictured: Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. Photo Credit: The Canadian Press/Cole Burston.  Save for a rainy day or spend like a sailor on a night on the town? That […]

Canada’s defence dilemma: Swinging for the fences or playing it safe?

by Daniel Perry

The debate intensifies as NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg urges Canada to provide a concrete timeline for meeting the spending target. Stoltenberg emphasizes the importance of demonstrating intent and commitment to collective security. Photo Credit: AFP/Toms Norde via Getty Images. If money talks, then Canada is pretty quiet about national defence. While some of our […]

Red rover, red rover, we call your caucus members over

by Daniel Perry

A couple of week ago, the federal Conservatives poached one of Premier Doug Ford’s provincial cabinet ministers, Parm Gill, for the upcoming federal election. The unexpected departure has prompted concerns within the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party about the potential for more defections. Pictured: Federal Conservative Milton candidate Parm Gill and Premier Doug Ford. Photo Credit: […]

And just like that… Parliament is back

by Daniel Perry

As the curtains rise on the 2024 Parliamentary session, the political stage is set for a gripping showdown. With the Liberals and Conservatives locked in a battle for public trust, the NDP strategically positioning themselves for influence, and the idea of an election lofting in the air, this year promises to be a busy year […]

The NDP has an opportunity to point to progressive policies to show Canadians that their bold ideas work for the betterment of all. While at the same time, creating a window to entice disenfranchised Liberal voters to join the NDP with their bold and proven ideas. Photo of NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. Photo Credit: Jagmeet […]

From paycheque to paycheque: a rising call for basic income

by Daniel Perry

The reality is that many Canadians are struggling to make ends meet. Despite having some of the strongest social nets in North America to help those who need it, Canada’s current programs are failing to meet the nation’s needs. Photo Credit: Senate of Canada.    As many white-collar Canadians return to work today, the friendly […]

Post-COP28, Canada’s divisive stance on oil and gas emissions surfaces as the government unveils a cap-and-trade system. Political dissent brews as Conservatives criticize job losses, while the NDP deems the plan insufficient, highlighting the uphill battle facing the government in implementing emissions regulations. Photo Credit: PMO   As the world’s largest climate conference, the Conference […]

Canada at COP28: The Burning Ring of Fire

by Daniel Perry

UN Climate Conference COP28 kicks off, highlighting the clash between urgent emission cutbacks and the reliance on oil and gas sectors, notably significant for Canada. Photo Credit: Facebook/ Steven Guilbeault Last week, the biggest United Nations climate conference, Conference of Parties (COP) 28, kicked off in the United Arab Emirates. Over the next few weeks […]

With Canadians losing confidence in Trudeau, his legacy as Prime Minister hangs in the balance amid dwindling support and caucus unrest. Photo: SEAN KILPATRICK / THE CANADIAN PRESS   Justin Trudeau is in trouble. His polling numbers are at rock bottom, his caucus is losing faith in him, and some don’t even want him as […]

Feds Take Note – Ontario is Ready to Build and Why Aren’t You?

by Daniel Perry

Photo Credit: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Cole Burston   Last week, the Ontario government released their Fall Economic Update providing Ontarians with a sneak peek into how their money is being spent. Rumour around Ottawa is that Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland should be releasing Canada’s fiscal update any week now.  Like in the school yard when someone […]

Supreme Court strikes blow to Liberal climate agenda

by Daniel Perry

Uphill battle for Canada’s environmental policy continues. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick   Another week, another challenge for the governing Liberals in Ottawa. To say 2023 has not been the Liberals’ year would be an understatement, as they cannot seem to catch a break. Earlier this month, the government was delivered another blow to […]

Parliamentarians pass the buck on crucial bail reform legislation

by Daniel Perry

Senate left to tackle complex issues, while MPs opt for silence. Photo credit: Senate of Canada   Parliamentarians have something to be thankful for this week and no, it is not a stuffed belly, a day off, or Parliament being on break until Monday. Instead, it is the ability to pass the buck onto the […]

‘Affordability’ is Ottawa’s new buzzword, but does it mean anything?

by Daniel Perry

Parliament returned last week, with the affordability crisis taking centre stage. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick   The boys and girls are back in town, and they’re ready to rumble.  Last week marked the return of Parliament, with politicians from across Canada back in Ottawa. Though the city’s mornings are colder and the ground […]

Confidence in Conservatives continues to grow, especially among younger voters

by Daniel Perry

Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre. Photo credit: Twitter/Pierre Poilievre   There is something odd going on with the Conservative Party. And no, it is not that over 2,500 of the party’s faithful willingly travelled to Quebec last week for their policy convention, a province that tends not to be overall friendly towards Conservatives. Instead, for […]

What do the New York Yankees and Justin Trudeau’s government have in common?

by Daniel Perry

Photo credit: Getty Images/Andrej Ivanov   Well, they are both teams made up of well-paid and talented people who are having a lousy summer. Both were once the gold standard of winning, a machine really that no matter what they did was having success and now they both seem to string together a win.  Besides […]

Immigration emerges as potential wedge issue

by Daniel Perry

A recent opinion poll indicated four in ten Canadians would be more likely to vote for a party that advocates for reduced immigration. Photo credit: Toronto Metropolitan University   Immigration is not often a winning topic for politicians, especially if you’re a right-leaning leader. Just ask Stephen Harper how his response to immigration went in […]

Though a traditionally safe riding for the federal Conservatives, Pierre Poilievre and his team increased their previous vote percentage and won two-thirds of ballots cast in Calgary Heritage last week, just days before an Abacus poll put the party a full 10 points ahead of the governing Liberals. Photo credit: Twitter/Pierre Poilievre   Last week, […]

Federal leaders, MPs test their message on the summer BBQ circuit

by Daniel Perry

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre (pictured) will spend the summer talking to everyday Canadians and testing out their respective messages to see what sticks. Photo credit: Twitter/Pierre Poilievre   Being in Ottawa for most of the year can leave federal politicians out of touch with reality and the thinking of everyday […]

Of late, the federal NDP has struggled to break through in Toronto. However, with a progressive champion like Olivia Chow at the helm, the party’s chances of picking up more seats in the vote-rich metropolis have likely increased. Chow’s victory may also prove advantageous for the Conservatives, as any seat that’s not a Liberal seat […]

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised greater transparency upon coming to power. But under his watch, the public’s insight and access to the government’s inner-workings has become ever more limited. Photo credit: Reuters/Patrick Doyle   Riding into Ottawa on a red wave of excitement and a promise of “real change”, 2015 Liberals and then-newly elected Prime […]

With rules now in place, Ontario Liberal leadership race in full swing

by Daniel Perry

The federal Liberals will no doubt be watching the provincial leadership race closely to see what resonates with Ontario voters. Pictured is former Ontario Liberal cabinet minister and current federal MP for Ottawa-Centre Yasir Naqvi, who announced his candidacy this past weekend. Photo credit: Twitter/Yasir Naqvi   The “will they, won’t they” dance for prospective […]

Rocky road ahead for migrants in Canada

by Daniel Perry

After closing a loophole in its Safe Third Country Agreement with the U.S., Canada successfully secured the infamous Roxham Road international crossing (pictured) earlier this spring. Image from 2017. Photo credit: AP/Charles Krupa   With the closure of Roxham Road and the repeal of Title 42 north and south of the border, respectively, it is […]

Return to sunny ways

by Daniel Perry

Liberal Party faithful met in Ottawa last week for their first in-person national convention in five years. Justin Trudeau kicked off the festivities Thursday with a rousing speech designed to galvanize the base ahead of 2025. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Justin Tang   Marking the first in-person convention since 2018, Liberals from across Canada came […]

Ottawa entitlements vs. everyday Canadians’

by Daniel Perry

It is hard to compete with the perks of being a federal politician. Between the pay, pension, publicity, expense account, office budget, domestic and international travel, and staff, an elected MP basically does not have to spend a cent of their own money while in office. Photo credit: Parliament of Canada   As the largest […]

NIMBYism and pipedreams – owning a house in Canada

by Daniel Perry

While homeownership remains out of reach for many, the federal and Ontario governments are at least trying to close the gap with targeted policies and incentives. At the local level, however, municipalities need to do better to start combatting, instead of giving into NIMBYism. Photo credit: E+/Troels Graugaard via Getty Images   The dream of […]

Biden brings Canada back

by Daniel Perry

Joe Biden’s first visit to Canada as U.S. President last week brought about a renewed sense of kinship between the North American neighbours. Photo credit: Reuters/Blair Gable   Last week, the nation’s capital was abuzz as U.S. President Joe Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden made their first official visit to Canada as President […]

Hard economic times make respecting the taxpayer more critical than ever

by Daniel Perry

That means no more $100,000 inflight catering splurges for the Governor General, at the very least. Photo credit: Governor General of Canada   Times are tough right now. The economic forecast is less than ideal and record-high inflation is not making Canadian life any easier.  Companies across Canada and abroad are taking a hit too, […]

Ethics take a backseat with this government

by Daniel Perry

In order for the average Canadian to believe in their government, they need to see that ethics are being taken seriously – which, with the governing Liberals under Prime Minister Trudeau, they are most certainly not. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Chris Young   When first learning about government in civics class, students are taught about […]

Nursing the federal-provincial relationship back to health

by Daniel Perry

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Doug Ford talk healthcare at Queen’s Park, Aug. 30, 2022. A new healthcare deal between the federal government and its provincial counterparts was agreed to in principle on Monday. Photo credit: Reuters/Cole Burston   New year, new me? Not so when it comes to the news cycle in Ottawa.  […]

We’re all in this together

by Daniel Perry

Parliament is back in session, and although the various parties may have different priorities to start the year, Canadians overwhelmingly agree that one issue above all else needs to be addressed: the rising cost of living. Photo credit: The Globe and Mail/J.P. Moczulski   Though 2023 is a month old, this week marks the first […]

‘Three Amigos’ summit shows Canada still second-rate on world stage

by Daniel Perry

The respective leaders of Canada, the United States, and Mexico recently convened in Mexico City for the regular tri-lateral meeting on January 10. Photo credit: Getty Images/Hector Vivas   Nearly eight years after announcing to the international stage that “we’re back”, Canada and Justin Trudeau’s Liberals are still struggling to break through to the world.  […]

There is no short list of problems and future headaches for the public service to address, but at the heart of these challenges is a need for change. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick    With the 2022 holiday season in the books and a new year upon us, Tuesday, January 3 marks the first […]

About time government starts to really care about healthcare

by Daniel Perry

As the federal and provincial governments wage war over percentages, people across the country are suffering.    Canada is currently facing a healthcare crisis. Our healthcare system, once hailed as one of the best in the world, is now struggling to meet the basic needs of its citizens. One of the main issues facing Canada’s […]

Is another federal election in the cards for Canadians this spring?

by Daniel Perry

Historical precedent and internal maneuvers by the central Liberal camp may suggest there is some truth to the rumours circulating around Ottawa of late. Pictured is Justin Trudeau on the campaign trail last fall. Photo credit: Reuters/Carlos Osorio   The holiday season is back in full force with office parties, get-togethers, and trips to see […]

Time for Canada and rest of NATO to find a backbone in face of Russian aggression

by Daniel Perry

A tougher stance on President Vladimir Putin’s manoeuvres in Ukraine is not a call for World War III. It’s simply a call to do what’s right, and indeed expected of us. Photo credit: New York Times/Sergei Bobylev   Earlier this month, Russian forces officially retreated from the city of Kherson in southeast Ukraine. Russian troops […]

Not so free Freeland

by Daniel Perry

The Trudeau government released its 2022 ‘mini budget’ last week. In the process, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland managed to upset both sides of the aisle, with the left saying she’s not doing enough, and the right saying the appropriate budgetary adjustments for increased spending were not made. Photo credit: Reuters   As Canadians are sitting […]

With Ontario’s municipal elections now over, a few of the province’s big city mayors, including Toronto’s John Tory (pictured), will enjoy new powers when they return to the council table later this fall. The new powers will certainly enhance ease and provide more opportunity to ‘get it done’, but is that necessarily a good thing? […]

Natural disasters cost all Canadians, not just those in storm’s path

by Daniel Perry

Hurricane Fiona is going to cost all Canadians a lot of money and not just those living out east. The government’s response to the situation, setting up a recovery fund, is the right one. But how can Canada help mitigate and be prepared for future natural disasters? Photo credit: Canadian Daily News   Mother Nature […]

Poilievre and Trudeau faceoff for first time as opposing leaders

by Daniel Perry

Newly elected Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau greet each other in the House of Commons while marking the passing of Her Majesty, Sept. 15, 2022. In their first real showdown as leaders of their respective parties last week, Poilievre and Trudeau laid out divergent visions for Canada’s future and varying solutions […]

Pierre Poilievre dominated the field of contenders to take the Conservative Party leadership Saturday evening, winning nearly 70 per cent support on the first ballot. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld    The sky is still blue, and so is the Conservative Party of Canada.  After what can only be described as the most lackluster […]

The Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario recently put forward a new electoral map for consideration. While the commission, broadly speaking, did a good job working through and within the legislative constraints and secondary concerns of the redistribution process, the proposed realignment does a disservice to constituents in Ontario’s far north, many of whom are […]

Though the federal government seemingly enjoys easy access to Canadians’ private information via RCMP spyware, trying to extract what legally should be public knowledge from the federal government itself is a herculean effort that can, in some cases, literally take a lifetime. Photo credit: YouTube/Ottawa Citizen   The Liberal government is once again in the […]

Canada’s housing crisis needs more effective top-down support

by Daniel Perry

If the federal government wants to get serious about housing and affordability, it needs to address the underlying issue: Canada needs more homes. Instead of fueling bidding wars through tax-free saving accounts and the like, the government needs to work with the provinces and municipalities to empower individuals and builders. Photo credit: Investment Executive   […]

The federal Liberals can’t even figure out how to issue passports in a respectable manner and timeframe, so how exactly do they expect to address something as complex as climate change? Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Darryl Dyck   Summer is here and post-pandemic travelling is in full swing. Out of offices notifications are on, the […]

Governing Liberals quietly extend virtual parliament

by Daniel Perry

The reality of virtual parliament is that it is easy to dodge accountability. Something that this government in particular likes to do. Even before the pandemic, the government was looking for ways to reduce the time it spent facing scrutiny. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld   In Ottawa, MPs are back in their respective […]

 The current parliamentary session could end as early as this week. But before breaking for BBQ season, the governing Liberals are hoping to tie up some loose ends and rush through at least one key piece of legislation. Pictured: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau rises virtually during Question Period in the House of Commons, June 14, […]

The relationship between Premier Doug Ford (left) and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (right) has always been a bit of a sticky one, but the pandemic brought the provincial and federal leaders together to a certain extent. With a new majority mandate in hand for Ford and an aging Trudeau government, it is hard to gauge, […]

A place for the prime minister to call home

by Daniel Perry

Since 2015, 24 Sussex Drive (pictured) has been effectively abandoned, needing some $36 million in renovations to make the property livable. It’s high time for Canada to either invest in the official residence or start the bulldozer and build a new one. Photo credit: National Capital Commission   With the Canadian house marking seeming to […]

Rock ’em sock ’em hopefuls

by Daniel Perry

The first of three Conservative Party leadership debates took place last week and, as anticipated, it was something of a raucous affair. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld    Last Thursday, Conservative leadership hopefuls took to the stage for the first time to debate one another. Taking centre stage on day one of the Canada […]

This Friday marks the deadline for candidates to submit their final paperwork and entry fee. For all those still in the race come the weekend, the contest’s inaugural debate takes place less than a week later. A total of three debates will be held in May and could help shape or solidify the trajectory of […]

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland presents the 2022 budget in the House of Commons Thursday, April 7. Photo credit: Reuters    Budget Day is like Christmas Day with a divorced family. The government is eager to shower the kids, in this case, voters, with lavish gifts and little regard for how […]

And it could get derailed as quickly and easily as it came together. Photo credit: PMO/Adam Scotti   The NHL trade deadline came and went last week with some notable moves, but Justin Trudeau ended up making the biggest deal of the day. The Liberals were able to sign the NDP to a three-year deal […]

Conservative leadership race represents a fight for identity

by Daniel Perry

While the field continues to fill out, it seems the 2022 Conservative leadership contest will be primarily fought between Pierre Poilievre (pictured) and Jean Charest. Both have wildly different visions of what the Conservative Party is and can be. Photo credit: IMDB   Ali vs. Frazier, Mayweather vs. Pacquiao and Poilievre vs. Charest. One of […]

Show me the money: federal budget 2022

by Daniel Perry

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland. Freeland will release the Liberals’ 2022 budget sometime next month. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick   As winter chugs along, more and more politicians are coming out of their winter hibernation to be seen in public again. Last week, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney left what […]

Canada’s Conservatives: is everything really fine?

by Daniel Perry

Interim leader Candice Bergen during Question Period, Feb. 7, 2022. Bergen took over earlier this month when Erin O’Toole was removed as party leader by Conservative caucus members. Many took issue with O’Toole’s attempt to bring the party to the centre. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Justin Tang   In a rarity of events, Canada saw […]

Just as the trucker convoy made its way into the nation’s capital last Thursday, former Conservative MP James Cummings released his report reviewing the 2021 election performance of Conservative leader Erin O’Toole (pictured, right). Photo credit: Twitter/Erin O’Toole   The Leader of the Official Opposition is one of the worst jobs in the world and […]

Vaxxed or taxed: Ottawa’s approach to Quebec’s prickly proposal

by Daniel Perry

Premier of Quebec Francois Legault recently announced that the province would tax residents who choose to remain unvaccinated against COVID-19. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Graham Hughes   The pandemic is now entering its twenty-third month with no finish line in sight. As a new highly contagious variant of COVID-19 is running rampant across Canada, Quebec […]

China: friend or foe?

by Daniel Perry

 In the coming months, Canada will have to make some tough decisions regarding cooperation with the CCP and its auxiliary actors, including implementation of Huawei’s 5G network and the country’s Indo-Pacific strategy. Photo credit: Getty Images/Lintao Zhang   With the new year upon us, a challenge the federal government is thinking about this week and […]

‘Tis the season to be…cooperative?

by Daniel Perry

Perhaps it’s the Christmas spirit, but as of late Canada’s federal politicians appear to be getting along to get things done. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld   Politics is a blood sport often left to gladiators to compete in, or so that’s what some think.  The reality is politics is just people and their […]

Pantless parliament: the hybrid model

by Daniel Perry

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks to a near-empty House of Commons during a hybrid Parliament session, Feb. 3, 2021. Photo credit: Reuters/Blair Gable    With snow on the ground and Parliament back in session, things are starting to feel normal again in Ottawa. MPs are busy passing legislation and debating each other, staff are frantically […]

A prime minister and his legacy

by Daniel Perry

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo credit: Bloomberg/Greg Halpern   Monday marked the start of a new parliament, with a number of new MPs and, most importantly, a new government that is eager to knock things off its to-do list. Part of this list is thinking about its legacy.  The rumour around Ottawa is that Prime […]

Conservatives walk fine line on vaccination

by Daniel Perry

Head of the Conservative Party Erin O’Toole. The question of compulsory vaccination for MPs is currently putting O’Toole’s leadership to the test. Photo credit: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick    With the recent election in the rear-view mirror, MPs will return to Ottawa on November 22 to kick-off the 44th Canadian Parliament. With a new cabinet […]


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