
Rotary Club of Fonthill once again supporting Rotary Youth Exchange program in 2024-25 school year

The Rotary Club of Fonthill is excited to match exchange students with families with whom they can stay. Pictured:  Incoming student Maria from Brazil. Photo Supplied. 

It may be the dog-days of summer, but preparations for the 2024-25 school year are already well underway. Here in Niagara, the Rotary Club of Fonthill is excited to match exchange students with families with whom they can stay; while also ensuring they enjoy a wonderful experience studying in Canada.

 “The Fonthill Club is looking forward to expanding our network of host families during the 2024-25 school year,” Dave Schulz, Public Image Chair and Executive Secretary for the Rotary Club of Fonthill shared with The Niagara Independent. “E.L. Crossley Secondary School has been an incredible host school, providing a uniquely Canadian education experience for the students they host, [and we] look forward to continuing that relationship.” 

Rotary Youth Exchange, established in 1975, will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary next year. Local Rotary Clubs partner with the program in sending and receiving international students. 

“[You can find stories] on our website going back to 2011, but I’m certain the program existed with our club before that,” said Schulz. 

Next month, The Fonthill Club is pleased to be welcoming Maria, a Grade 11 student from Sao Paulo, Brazil, as she begins her exchange term in Canada. Maria expects to arrive in Niagara during the second half of August and will be studying E.L. Crossley. In support of Maria’s journey, Fonthill Rotary is seeking three or four host families within the Fonthill/Pelham region who can host Maria, each for a section of the academic year. Extensive financial backing will be provided by the Club to host families. 

It is not uncommon for students to stay in touch with their hosts, even after they have returned to their home land. In fact, families have been known to find themselves, years later, visiting an exchange student in their country of origin. 

“Host families will benefit from making a difference in a student’s life, introducing them to Canadian culture, and contributing to fostering international understanding and friendship within our community,” Schulz explained. “Inevitably, host families learn as much from the student they are hosting as that student learns from them (and they) form relationships that last a lifetime.” 

Those who are interested in learning more about the Rotary Club of Fonthill, the Rotary Youth Exchange program and/or exploring opportunities to host a student are invited to visit the following webpages: Rotary Club of Fonthill, Rotary Youth Exchange.


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